Let Me Be Frank inc. is a Canadian based consultancy, music publisher & producer, that provides information, expertise and knowledge about, and interaction with, all sectors of the Canadian & international music industry for those within and outside of the music business.
Founded in 1999 by Frank Davies, a leading executive in the Canadian & international music business for over 35 years, LMBF provides advice, analysis and planning for those interested in working with recognised music industry leaders and their companies, with the intent and purpose of identifying, developing and realising specific projects or strategies involving music companies, creators, intellectual property rights & revenue streams.
LMBF publishes & produces a roster of Canadian songwriters, producers and artists spanning all genres from indie to country.

Ole Media Management/Anthem
Telefilm Canada/
Paul Audley & Associates
Microsoft Canada Co.
Canadian Music Publishers
Association (CMPA)
Ontario Media Development
Corporation (OMDC)
Canadian Independent Record
Production Association (CIRPA)
Canadian Heritage
The Full Nine Inc.
Neighbouring Rights
Collective of Canada (NRCC)
Canadian Musical Reproduction
Rights Agency (OMDC)

providing advice, expertise and knowledge of both the creative and business aspects of the music industry on a national and international level
identifying and delivering creative talent for specific projects
planning and implementing career development and project-driven strategies involving that talent and the industry
gathering information and detail about available national, regional or local public and private sector funding - for both creative and industry applicants
analyzing existing business structures and systems for efficiency and growth
proposing new methods and tools for creating new or expanded revenue streams and partners
researching various industry sectors, recommending and reaching their key players effectively
realising clients' objectives